Clear Aligners
Clear aligner treatment by a specialist that does it right
Clear Aligners - Done Right!
Although 3D digital technology makes fabricating the aligners easier than ever, the key to creating beautiful smiles is the training and experience of the doctor who diagnoses your problems and develops your treatment plan.
Orthodontists are specialists with 24 to 36 months of additional training in a full-time university residency. They are experts at moving teeth with wires or plastic aligners.
Aligner companies allow general dentists with little or no training to order aligners for their patients.
Aligner companies are merely dental labs that manufacture plastic aligners. Success or failure using aligners is determined by the skills of the doctor prescribing them.
The Jorgensens are specialists with almost 40 years of combined experience creating beautiful smiles.
Do clear aligners cost more than braces?
The lab fee alone for clear aligners is around $2000. Because we won't need to use the brackets and wires for your aligner treatment, we will split the lab bill with you. If you decide to switch to braces for any reason, an additional fee will apply. (Note: some reduced-fee insurance plans do not cover entire cost of aligners.)
Can I get good results with clear aligners?
Aligner technology has come a long way in the past 30 years. With the introduction of optical scanners and the improvements in attachments and the materials used by the manufacturers, I bevelive the results can be the same and in some cases better than braces!
Do clear aligners take longer than braces?
Your teeth move in response to forces placed upon them. They cannot detect whether that force comes from a wire or from a plastic aligner. All other things being equal, treatment time with aligners should be very similar to treatment with brackets and wires.